How do I pay my training fees?
Training fees can be paid either by cash or via internet transfer (eg. Paylah/Paynow).
When do I have to pay my training fees?
Training fees will be collected at the start of the month. For example, for group classes, if there is 4 session in that month, a total of $140 will be collected on the first lesson of that month.
How many students must there be for group class to commence?
Group classes must have at least 2 students in order for it to continue.
What if I have to cancel the class last minute?
Trainees are to inform the coaches at least 48 hours in advance for the cancellation of training. However, if it leads to the whole class being cancelled, trainees will have to pay the court fees + $4/hr admin fee.
If informed between 24-48 hours without a valid reason, half of the training fees will be charged.
If informed less than 24 hours without a valid reason, full training fees will be charged.
What if I have to cancel the class last minute due to valid reasons?
We will review it on a case by case basis. If the reason is deemed valid, you will still have to pay for the court fees + $4/hr admin fee.